potts scissors

Potts scissors are used in a variety of surgical procedures, including:

  • Delicate tissues

    Potts dissecting scissors are used to dissect through delicate and fibrous tissues. 

  • Vascular surgeries

    Potts scissors are used to make incisions, enlarge existing incisions, and dissect vessels. They can also be used to create venotomies. 

  • Cardiovascular surgeries

    Potts-Smith vascular scissors are used to dissect vessels and enlarge vascular incisions during cardiovascular surgeries. 

  • Facial planes

    Potts dissecting scissors are used to cut through facial planes. 

Potts scissors can be modified in a number of ways, including etching a millimeter scale on one blade. They are available in different sizes and variations. 

Potts scissors are named after Dr. Willis Potts, a pediatric surgeon at Chicago's Children's Memorial Hospital. 

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